Young Experts Programme

In February 2022, the Human Rights Centre launched a new Young Experts Programme aimed for human rights experts at the beginning of their careers. The programme offers the possibility to

  • deepen knowledge about fundamental and human rights
  • learn extensively of the activities of the Human Rights Centre
  • participate in the Centre’s expert work 
  • participate in the Centre’s communications and advocacy work
  • get familiarised with the work of the Parliamentary Ombudsman and the Parliament
  • get familiarised with national and international human rights actors
  • develop professionally and network with different human rights actors

A programme period, for which two junior experts are hired, lasts for 1,5–2 years. The appointed junior experts work in the Human Rights Centre alongside its other experts. To be eligible for the programme, the appointed experts need a relevant master’s degree or other education and experience required to fulfil the tasks.

The aim of the programme is to

  • strengthen the junior experts’ knowledge about fundamental and human rights
  • strengthen the youth perspective on fundamental and human rights in the work of the Human Rights Centre
  • strengthen youth voices generally in the discussion on fundamental and human rights
  • provide a steppingstone for future work in the field of fundamental and human rights after the programme

The first programme period of the Young Experts Programme took place from 1 February 2022 to 31 July 2023.  The second term started 1 December 2024 and will last until 30 November 2025. The programme can be followed via the Human Rights Centre’s website and its social media channels.

More information:

Susan Villa, expert, leader of the Young Experts Programme, Human Rights Centre, +358 50 341 2267